Hello, hello!

Welcome to my website!

It’s a work in progress, just like all those other unwritten books I have going…
It’s been a while since I’ve had a website, and eons since I had a blog. I’m not very good at keeping them, but here’s to the 346863th time!

With this website, I hope to bring new insights to my upcoming series The Bonds That Bind Us starting with the very first installment (that I HOPE to release in June) The Blood Princess.

I have had a ton of set backs when it comes to ~finally~ getting this book ready, but I have decided enough is enough, and I will not lose that motivation I have finally found after years of being lost.

So join me on this adventure (as I’ve mentioned how many times now?)

And of course, I live for those that edit, so if my blogs are a bit messy and not formal…well…let’s just remember I can’t have an editor for them!

I look forward to getting closer to all of you, so let’s go!!!!!

P.S: I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to this website, so it’s going to be a real learning curve (what kind of graphic designer am I? The one that sucks with websites…) so if you end up joining my newsletter now, it has no content and I don’t even know where it is.

Until next time!

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